
We’re so glad you found us! We are the Dining Darlings, otherwise known as Shana and Kara. Two friends who’ve decided to share our love of food and adventure with anyone who might care to join us. In this blog we’ll be sharing all sorts of things, like eating out, cooking at home, travel eats, reorganizing your kitchen cupboards, and anything else we come up with along the way. Feel free to ask us any questions you might have. Let us introduce ourselves...

Hmm…Where should I start? I guess my name would be good right?!  Well, my name is Shana and I enjoy traveling, experiencing new things, eating and trying practically anything once. “You can’t say you don’t like something if you have never tried it,” is something I believe to be true in respect of food and life in general. I can’t wait to share my food experiences with you all!

Hi there, I'm Kara. I would consider myself a pretty regular girl. I grew up in a small town in Southern California. I enjoy most typical types of food, and every now and then will get a little more adventurous - though I usually leave that to Shana :). I enjoy eating out as well as making dinner at home. I've really been working on my cooking skills over the last 4 years - slowly but surely getting a little more confident and a little more proficient with each meal. My goal is to become one of those people who can reach into an "empty" cabinet and pull out a delicious meal.

Traveling Eats - Vero Espresso House - Eugene, OR

Vero Espresso House - 205 E 14th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401

Hot Matcha Green Tea

Cold Matcha Green Tea

Special – Quiche and Side Salad

French Toast with Bacon & Scrambled Eggs

Yellow. It was a very yellow house on the street corner with a wraparound porch on the first floor. This café has a very warm and welcoming feel to it. The interior had different tables, chairs, benches, etc. for the patrons to sit and enjoy their meals. This café is quaint and cozy. We were lucky enough to visit when they were super busy and did not have any seats downstairs available, so we were allowed to go upstairs. We got to dine in the second floor foyer. The upstairs area is usually only available for special events. This area comprises of two rooms, a bathroom and a foyer. One of the rooms is set up like a kitchen and I believe the sink in there actually works! I was super excited to try their food since their setup is super cute and the aroma was so inviting!

When you walk in, the first thing you smell is the coffee. The aroma alone wakes you up. We arrived around brunch time so we ordered the hot and cold matcha green tea, French toast meal that comes with bacon and your choice of eggs, and their special for the day: quiche, and a side salad. I pretty much love matcha anything so I thought I should try them both. Both the matcha green teas were delicious. I loved the froth on the hot matcha. I really appreciated that the cold matcha green tea was not gritty, which it sometimes is. The quiche was a decent size, flavorful, and had a nice amount of bacon. I was glad I ordered the salad on the side. The salad was light and fresh. It helped balance out the richness of the quiche very well. Biting into the French toast was like biting into a fluffy marshmallow. The challah bread they used was a great choice. It was thick and hearty, but not greasy. The scrambled eggs that we ordered were pretty standard, but the bacon was the thick bacon so it completed the dish off well with a little bit of everything; sweet, salty, and savory. I would definitely order this dish again if I had a chance to go back. The atmosphere was a 5, the food was a 4, over all, I would say a 4.5. If you have time to stop by here, you would not be disappointed. 

Hot & Cold Matcha Green Tea
Special – Quiche and Side Salad
French Toast with Bacon & Scrambled Eggs

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